Stay Home . Stay Safe . Stay Healthy

Stay Home . Stay Safe . Stay Healthy

We know this is a difficult time for everyone. It’s exceedingly important to stay connected and keep our mind and body active! Below are some ideas for walking into the weekend. How have you and your family enjoyed passing the time? Share your ideas and keep the positivity flowing!

1. Ahem, ahem… conduct an insurance review. Sorry (not sorry) to put this top of the list, but we know many of you have been setting this aside for a while. If it’s been a few years since your last review, right now would be a great time to make it happen. Side note: We know a great local company that can help and will make it very easy for you!

2. Read those books you have on your shelf. You know, the ones you held in your hand at the bookstore with excitement and wonder? This seems to be one of the most common “I wish I had more time to _____” activities. Well, now feels like a great opportunity! Pro tip: start a book club with your family or friends to discuss and socialize. 

3. Clean your room and put that laundry away. Between the rush of the work week, caring for kids, running to the store, making sure everyone is fed… it’s difficult to find time to organize your kitchen drawers, clean out the back closet, and scrub the windows. Organizing and de-cluttering your home is both therapeutic and rewarding! 

4. Have a family game night. Dust off that board game or puzzle and have some “old school” laughs with your loved ones. Is there a board game you enjoyed as a kid? That might be a fun one to share with your family now!  

5. Cook delicious food! Yet another activity the hustle and bustle of daily life impedes on. Pick a fun recipe, gather the ingredients, turn on your favorite music playlist, and put your culinary skills to the test. This can be a solo activity or something you do as a family. Either way, it ends with food.

6. Head outside! Be smart, maintain social distancing, and enjoy a nice spring day! Bike, run, garden, have a picnic in the yard… you get the idea. 

7. Get the creative juices flowing – drawing, painting, crafting, journal, writing poetry/music, playing music, listening to music.

8. Stay connected with loved ones. Set up a virtual happy hour with friends, call family members, write letters and send cards. Times like these make us realize how important our human connections are.

We are all in this together. Stay home, stay safe, stay health... and maybe we'd add stay positive. 


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